Waste Water Collection System

The City's sewer system, like the drainage system, is a combination of old clay pipes and new PVC sewer lines. Over the past 20 years the City has aggressively pursued a program to eliminate system problems.

The older sections of the City contain some of the old sewer lines that are a cause of constant maintenance and frequently require replacement. One problem that does occur with the older lines is the infiltration of ground water into the pipes which contributes to overloading the treatment facility during large storm events. Over time the older lines will be replaced and this problem will be eliminated.

The Public Works Department does the maintenance on the sewer lines, so don't call the waste treatment plant because they will just refer you back to us. If you are experiencing problems in this area don't hesitate to call Public Works and report the problem. The Department is equipped with the latest equipment to help us in locating and correcting any problem you may be experiencing.